March 22–27, 2015
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, CA 91125
The Caltech Space Challenge is a 5-day international student space mission design competition. Students from a wide range of backgrounds are invited to Caltech, formed into two teams, and given a mission design problem. The teams attend lectures related to mission planning, are given the necessary development tools, and are challenged to produce a viable mission design. This confluence of people and resources is a unique opportunity for young and enthusiastic students to work with experienced professionals in academia, industry and national laboratories.
The 2015 Caltech Space Challenge has concluded. Results can be found here.
In The News
Caltech 2015 Space Challenge yields big ideas about future of space exploration - Pasadena Star News, San Gabriel Valley Tribune
2015 Caltech Space Challenge Selects 32 International Students - New Hampshire Voice
2015 Caltech Space Challenge gives NASA Extraordinary Ideas about Space Exploration - Maine News Online
Caltech challenges 32 international students to design a manned mission to an asteroid - Pasadena Star News
Can people really land on an asteroid? Concordia student to participate in the Caltech Space Challenge - Concordia University News